All My Love

Posted by Martha & Greg Singleton , Thursday, February 12, 2009 7:21 AM

I love you. No, I really mean it. I do. At least, that’s what I’m working on these days.

I’m not sure who’s reading this right now, but, you might be someone who’s a part of that small inner circle of people that I love desperately. I’ll take a moment in the next few days, as Valentine’s Day approaches, to let you know how much I love you. Martha, you’re so easy to love. I can say without any hesitation that my love for you is limitless. You’ve been the love of my life for 30 years, and I long for at least 30 more. Anne and Matt, I could have never imagined the amazing people you’ve become. You’ve been such a joy! I’ve always loved you so much, and I always will. Robbie, I’m thankful for the man that you are, and that Anne picked you to be a part of our family. You’re not only my son-in-law, you’re my friend. And then there’s Josiah. How can anybody work their way so deep in my heart in just a few months? You’re G-Diddy’s little man. To my Mom, and all my other family members, I’m so blessed to have you in my life. All my close friends, you know who you are, are a source of encouragement and strength and a whole lot of good times. These are all the folks that I have no problem loving. Even during those challenging times, I can’t let go of them.

But we have a higher calling. If we want to love like Jesus loved, we’re not allowed to write anyone off – not the unknown and, definitely not the unlovable. We can’t hold them at arm’s length, and we can’t walk away, because that’s the way He loves. And I’m really glad about that. Because, you see, I’m one of the unlovable ones. Because of my failures and frailties, He could have given up on me. If I were God, I’d have probably already turned my back, out of sight, out of mind. But He loves me so much that He gave, and keeps on giving and giving. Thank God.

I’m challenged to love like Jesus loves. Not just on Valentine’s Day, when loving is the thing to do. But all the time, no matter the situation, no matter the circumstances.

When clouds veil sun, and disaster comes
Oh, my soul! Oh, my soul!
When waters rise, and hope takes flight
Oh, my soul! Oh, my soul! Oh, my soul!

Ever faithful, ever true, You I know
You never let go. You never let go.
You never let go. You never let go,

When clouds brought rain, and disaster came.
Oh, my soul! Oh, my soul!
When waters rose, and hope had flown
Oh, my soul! Oh, my soul! Oh, my soul!

Oh, my soul overflows.
Oh, what love, oh, what love.
Oh, my soul fills with hope,
Perfect love that never lets go.

Oh, what love, oh, what love
Oh, what love, oh, what love
In joy and pain, in sun and rain
You’re the same. Oh, You never let go.

“You Never Let Go”
Written by David Crowder, Mike Hogan & Mike Dodson

1 Response to "All My Love"

Unknown Says:

im gonna start calling you "the boss" bc that was a great blog! i always enjoy them....

I've always been thankful to have great peeps like the entire singleton family in my life ever since hs. You don't even know how much of a blessing you guys have been throughout my life and struggles in my christian walk. Esp now being married knowing I have u guys there for us, I know I speak for beth and I in saying that u guys are def a source of encouragement that goes beyond words can describe.

Delgado out!