No Longer Silent!

Posted by Martha & Greg Singleton , Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:01 AM

Sometimes in life, we feel that our prayers are met with a heavy silence.
And in our culture of instant gratification and immediate response, we don’t take kindly to that silence from God.

The past few months have been a particularly difficult and challenging season for us, culminating in emergency surgery for our two-day-old grandson, a three-week stay in neonatal intensive care, and a diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis.

As we walked through each difficulty, and especially as we prayed for and hurt with our children and first grandchild, I found myself begging God for “a word, or a sign.”

And then, a side note in a sermon brought me up short. It was this: When God told Zacharias that he would father a son, and Zacharias was struck dumb, it had been literally thousands of years since God had spoken to men. For thousands of years, His people had worshipped Him in the temple and served Him according to ancient instructions in their scriptures...and not heard one word from Him.

For those of us who are battling difficulty, disease, or disappointment, for those of us who feel that we are just muddling through, those who, like me, have been asking God to give us a word, a sign, the Christmas story holds a magnificent message. God is no longer silent, nor will He ever be again.

Here is the word we long for:
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.
John 1:14

Here is the sign we so desperately seek:
This shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the Babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
Luke 2:12

Praying that in Jesus you will truly find everything you seek –

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