New Year, New Attitude!

Posted by Martha & Greg Singleton , Tuesday, January 8, 2008 8:38 AM

Your mom was right. Always say “please” and “thank you” – especially “thank you.” And, whether she realized it or not though, that seemingly insignificant act of saying “thank you” has far more impact than simply socially acceptable behavior.

We’re one week into a new year and it’s a great time to establish something in our homes that will sincerely affect the lives of every member our family. Thankfulness doesn’t just happen. It’s a choice we make and an attitude we cultivate, just like its opposite, ungratefulness. Then, as we make thankfulness a habit in our homes, it becomes not just a conditioned reflex, but a condition of the heart. Thankfulness prepares the way for worship. It causes unity to blossom. It yields peace and encourages fruitfulness. It forges courage and confidence and builds hope.

Here’s an idea you might want to initiate in your home. It works whether there’s one or one hundred and it just might change the whole atmosphere in your house. Post-it notes are a staple item at home and in the office. They come in all sizes and colors, and there’s just something about seeing them that just calls for action!

For this purpose, the small size post-it works just fine, and you should provide plenty of them for each family member in their own special color. Just write on each note one thing that you’re thankful for, and stick it on the refrigerator, the wall, the door or anywhere else that it’s sure to be seen. Don’t worry, they don’t harm the paint! And, don’t stop there. Keep being thankful and keep posting notes. Be thankful for people, for things, and for situations. Encourage everybody to participate, and if somebody seems a bit reluctant, start covering their bedroom door or walls with notes about why you’re thankful for them. It’s almost a sure thing that they’ll feel the need to join in. After about three or four days, collect them in an envelope and save them for a later time when everybody can sit down together and remember everything you were thankful for.

Here’s a twist that your family will enjoy. Select one family member as a special target. Take about 30 minutes and have everybody cover that person with post-its about why they’re thankful for them.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the biggest changes! May God bless your home with thankfulness in 2008!

Martha & Greg

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